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The Cheat to Lose Diet Cheat BIG with the Foods You Love, Lose Fat Faster Than Ever Before, and Enjoy Keeping It Off!【電子書籍】[ Joel Marion ]

<p>How many times has this happened to you? You start a new diet with every intention of sticking to it, cutting out all of your favorite foods and eating exactly what the diet tells you to. At first, you’re thrilled to see the numbers on the scale go down, but after a short while, weight loss slows and you hit a plateau. Then, you’re feeling quite the opposite - frustrated, weak, and unsatisfied. So what do you do? Exactly what we all do when a diet simply isn’t working: quit.</p> <p>Many times, author, fitness expert, and Body-for-Life champion Joel Marion found himself in a similar place. But through a series of classic diet “screwups,” Joel discovered a startling truth: cheating on your diet can actually accelerate fat loss.</p> <p>Based on cutting-edge medical research, <em>The Cheat to Lose Diet</em> reveals the hormonal connection between strategic cheating and fat loss that will change the way you diet forever. Special features include:</p> <p>? An easy-to-follow three-phase program: Priming, Core, and Maintenance<br /> ? A simple weekly plan in which more carbohydrates are deliberately added with each passing day, leading up to the “Cheat Day”<br /> ? The CTL Cardio Solution: a revolutionary eighteen-minute, fat-melting cardio workout that has been shown to burn up to nine times the fat of traditional cardio<br /> ? Tips for staying on track, including twelve weeks of daily menu plans and seventy-five recipes, so you’re never in doubt of the types of foods and meals to enjoy while following the plan</p> <p>On Cheat Days you’ll cheat BIG with all your favorite foods-chocolate chip cookies, pizza, ice cream?whatever you’d like and as much as you’d like of it. But never again will you feel guilty for indulging in the foods you love because you’ll learn and come to know that dietary cheating is absolutely vital to your fat-loss success.</p> <p>Here, finally, is a diet that works with your body to help you lose fat faster than restrictive dieting ever could. So start cheating-and losing-today!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Price 商品価格 1,602円(税込み)
Review Average レビュー平均 0(5点満点)
Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Shop Name ショップ 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

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