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The Wonder of Paleo Diet: The Complete Guide to Everything You Need to Know about Eating Like a Caveman & Fast Weight Loss with Paleo Diet, Recipes Included【電子書籍】[ Annabel W. Williams ]

<p>Are you tired of diet programs that just don't work?</p> <p>Have you tried one diet after another but still have nothing to show for?</p> <p>Our ancestors from almost 200,000 years ago lived in harsh and brutal conditions where they needed to hunt for their meat and forage for our vegetables and greens. They did not cultivate crops or eat grain. They were the true hunter-gatherers. Because of their diet they were lean, physically strong and energetic. They had lots of work to do to stay alive and they had the physical physique to accomplish their goals.</p> <p>Our ancestors, genetically related to us in every way, ate what’s called the Paleo Diet. This is a far cry from our modern diet of refined foods, sugar and trans fats, which are artificially created and didn’t even exist 200,000 years ago. Our diet happens to be the basis behind our current epidemic of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, infertility, depression and Alzheimer’s disease.</p> <p>So what would happen if we, instead of indulging in a modern diet, ate the same diet as the “cave man” who thrived on a far different diet than ours? Some research is indicating that we would be thinner, stronger and free of physical illness.</p> <p>In "The Wonder of Paleo Diet", you will learn:</p> <p>- Exactly what is Paleo Diet - truth & myths</p> <p>- How does Paleo Diet differ from other low-carb diets?</p> <p>- An ancestral history and timeline of the Paleo Diet</p> <p>- The pros & cons of Paleo Diet</p> <p>- How to lose weight fast with Paleo Diet?</p> <p>- How to improve your athletic performance using the Paleo Diet?</p> <p>- How to enjoy a longer, healthier and more active lifestyle with Paleo Diet?</p> <p>- How to reduce or eliminate your risk of chronic degenerative diseases?</p> <p>- How to permanently relieve yourself from acne?</p> <p>- How to slow the progression of autoimmune diseases?</p> <p>- The Paleo Diet for Vegetarians</p> <p>- The Paleo Diet and the Whole Family</p> <p>- Supplements and the Paleo Diet</p> <p>- How to adhere to the Paleo Diet plan even when you are on the go?</p> <p>- The Paleo Diet Recipes</p> <p>- And much more...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Price 商品価格 557円(税込み)
Review Average レビュー平均 0(5点満点)
Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Shop Name ショップ 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

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